We are a diverse group of people who love Jesus and try to follow him. Adults and children, singles and marrieds, young and old, students workers and pensioners. WPC is a people of God who love Him, love each other and desire to see others come to know Him.
We meet under the banner of the Presbyterian Church of Australia in NSW which exists through the grace of God to:
Delight in the revelation of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) through his inspired and authoritative Word.
Expose the flawed heart of humanity which has made us self-seeking and self-protecting in our relationships and exploiters rather than stewards of God’s good creation.
Rejoice in the grace of God who meets rebellious humans in the weakness and foolishness of the Cross of Christ.
Share with the world the message of the hope that salvation brings through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
Identify with the world’s pain and sin as those called to proclaim God’s love and forgiveness.
Celebrate life in the Spirit as redeemed worshipping communities characterised by humble dependence upon God and sacrificial love.
Empower our members to identify and use the spiritual gifts God has given them to serve him by serving others.
Promote the formation and continuing development of healthy, multiplying Presbyterian congregations.
Verse of the day: The ransom of a man's life is his wealth, but a poor man hears no threat.
Read the Bible for yourself. The link will take you away from this site to the online version of
The Christian Standard Bible

Last Updated on 7 December 2024 by Admin